Wednesday, November 17, 2010


You know how when Pinocchio lies, his nose gets bigger?  When I lie, my BUTT gets bigger.  I feel bad about it so I like eat a brownie or something.  Or I'm wallowing in self righteous anger and even though I know I am wrong, I hold onto my right to lie.  Usually they are little white lies aimed at big institutions like the IRS or Bank of America.  Somehow I'm convinced they deserve to be lied to cuz you know, they suck.
That said, the negative energy from that always reverts back to me and ends up living somewhere on my backside....

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Health and Warfare

Acupuncture.  So I finally decided to go get stabbed.  I'd been putting if off for the obvious reasons -- having porcupine quills shoved under your skin, etc.  So I decided to go at 7:30 am before work.  As I lay there face down and drooling, weird shit started to happen as the needles went in.  First I got way dizzy, followed by uncontrollable sobbing.  Then more drooling with the final outcome being this:  I was so fucking relaxed I couldn't work.  This leads me to the conclusion that I LIKE MY STRESS.  In fact --
I love it!   I like to pile more and more on, taking on impossible tasks and endless to do lists while creating unreasonable deadlines.  It makes me feel alive.