Saturday, November 13, 2010

Health and Warfare

Acupuncture.  So I finally decided to go get stabbed.  I'd been putting if off for the obvious reasons -- having porcupine quills shoved under your skin, etc.  So I decided to go at 7:30 am before work.  As I lay there face down and drooling, weird shit started to happen as the needles went in.  First I got way dizzy, followed by uncontrollable sobbing.  Then more drooling with the final outcome being this:  I was so fucking relaxed I couldn't work.  This leads me to the conclusion that I LIKE MY STRESS.  In fact --
I love it!   I like to pile more and more on, taking on impossible tasks and endless to do lists while creating unreasonable deadlines.  It makes me feel alive.

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